And what if he does stand again in 2024? I suspect that his promised announcement next week will reveal his real self: Basically unchanged!
I have a naughty thought on how he could actually do it - right now it's private - but later today (if I choose to release it) I'll pen a short follow up to my 'Ho ho ho' article.
And just in case i decide not to do it, here - just for you Jennifer - is the essence of my 'naughty' thought:
"What if he announces his intention to run again, but this time with Florida Senator Ron Desantis as his running mate"
I suspect that Desantis might be tempted to go along with this idea, but who am I (from Australia) to think that this might be a goer?
What do you think Jennifer? If you let me know your thoughts pronto it may influence my next post!".
What power I give you!