Hello Ali … this is Fred … writing to thank you for choosing to follow me. I really appreciate that.
I checked out your Medium home page; found this article; liked your style and decided to ‘follow’ YOU.
I like the way you have presented your advice re medium's qualities. I particularly like the inclusion of the section you headed: Content Ownership. That's a gem!
Have you yet seen ‘All you need to know about Fred’ or my Story Index - (pinned near the top of my home page)? You’ll find everything you need to know about me and my stories there.
Nice to meet you on Medium Ali. I look forward to reading more of your stories there.
To get my new stories sent to your in-box just click on my 'subscribe' button.
Wishing you well on your continuing writing journey.
Special Note for NON-MEMBERS: If you are not-yet a member of Medium, check out the top-pinned article on my home page, titled: ‘Free for Non-Medium Members …
(Click on my photo-icon to open the home page). This article is written for you.