Hello AT … this is Fred … writing to thank you for choosing to follow me. I really appreciate that.
I checked out your Medium home page; and though I’m not into Cybersecurity in such a big way as you, I appreciate the advice you give in this particular article. Thank you.
I wish you well with your own efforts to promote your articles on Medium … and, I’ve decided to ‘follow’ YOU.
Have you yet seen All you need to know about Fred pinned near the top of my home page)? You’ll find everything you need to know about me and my stories there.
Wishing you well on your continuing writing journey.
Special Note re NON-MEMBERS: As Non-members of Medium can read 3 stories per month, free, you could send your non-member friends, friend-links to your stories.
If you don’t know how, just drop me a note and I’ll help you.
This link to Free for Non-Medium Members … is also a helpful guide for you and your friends.