Hello Dan … this is Fred ... again (and again and again),
I’ve chosen this story of yours for a special OCTOBER ‘READ-for-READ’**, in order to catch up with you – a special follower - and someone whose writing is special to me.
Yet you haven't still decided to follow ME!
After all, as you say in this article of yours: "tell me that i'm wrong, you are right, and I'm going to Hell ... etc."
Only joking Dan - but do give me a read ot two. Thanks.
Thank you for any read-back comments on MY stories that you decide are worthy.
Best wishes,
👍😊❤ - I’m very happy to be following you still
** ‘READ for READ’ is a concept designed to promote more than just ‘clap-for clap’.
PS: You can see an index to all my stories (including 'religion') in my top-pinned story: 'All you need to Know About Fred'.