Hello Diana ... this is Fred ... first time call.
Firstly, I just wanted to say thank you for choosing to follow me. I have reciprocated.
When I first saw the headline to this article of yours:
'8 ways to Earn $10,000 ...', and then, two stories down your page: '10 ways to make money on line', I thought: "hello! here's another writer who uses cluck-bait headlines just to get readers to open up the story" ... but when I did test this thought out I was more than pleasantly surprised at the content that followed the headlines. You do a good job Diana.
Such headlines have become a particular fascination to me lately, and I had an idea to write an article about click-bait, though I must confess that my initial enthusiasm for it (whereby my idea was to reveal their 'hollowness'), loses impetus when I see a click-bait-looking headline (like yours) that isn't hollow!
So, thank you for keeping a sensible lid on my thought patterns.
If ever I do get round to writing that article, you can be sure that I will be referencing & acknowledging the positive value of offering click-bait-style intros by folk like yourself and other 'goodies', who produce headlines that are not click-bait at all!
Diana, thanks again for choosing to follow me.
I hope that we can both continue to write about things that interest, inspire; and bring a touch of happiness into the lives of others.
I wish you well with your own writing.
May your day be just right for you … all the best to you and yours,