Hello Emanuel,
I just wanted to say 'thank you' for choosing to follow me. I have reciprocated.
Was there a particular story or article of mine that caught your interest? I’d love to know.
I've read your 'about me' info on your Medium page and whilst I am not into crypto myself, I wish you well with your obvious strong interest there. I do relate (more easily) to your Chemistry background, interest, and study, and I hope that your progress to achieving your PhD is going well, and that you will make good use of your qualifications.
Before I retired, I spent many years as a science educator - all over the world. My own academic studies led, amongst other qualifications to a degree in Botany, Zoology and Chemistry, and quite late in my professional life I was invited to Australia to take up a senior teaching role in Chemistry, so you can see where my 'leanings' led me - to Australia ... and (now) to you!
I hope that we can both continue to write about things that interest; inspire; and bring a touch of happiness into the lives of others.
I wish you well with your ownwriting.
May your day be 'just right' for you … all the best to you and yours,