Hello Gerald … this is Fred … first time call.
Thank you for recently choosing to follow me! I have clicked your follow button too.
I enjoyed reading through your 'About Me' article. The 'Digital Global Traveller' paragraph caught my attention because, over the years I have been an actual global traveller, and many of my stories reflect this. In fact, one of my Story Collections (found in 'Lists' top of my home page) is headed: 'Me Stories' and reflects these many adventures.
Check it out and let me know what you think.
I’ll be looking forward to seeing more of your stories on Medium.
I wish you well with your future writing.
May your day be just right for you … all the best to you and yours,
PS: In case you haven’t seen it already: My new ‘All About Fred’ - a pathway to everything ‘Fred’ is now pinned to the top of my home page. Hope you like it: