Hello Gideon … this is Fred
I've just noticed that you have read my 'All You Need to Know About Fred' article, and I wanted to say thank you for clapping it. Glad you enjoyed it.
I enjoyed the reading your "About' article, and after reading it I decided to ‘follow’ you. I like your sense of humor, and I particularly like your intro 'commas' paragraph. I agree with you ... your style is your style 'cos it's you!
If you have time to read some of my articles in the index contained within 'ALNTKAF' you might decide to click MY ‘follow’ tab, but only of course, if you find them interesting. Hope you do.
I hope that we can both continue to write about things that interest, inform, inspire, and bring a touch of happiness into the lives of others.
May your day be just right for you, and I hope that you continue to write inspirational stories.
All the best to you, your wife, and your children.