Hello Gregory … this is Fred … first time call.
I just wanted to say thank you for recently choosing to follow me. I have clicked your follow button in the hope that from time-to-time I’ll be able to see and read some of your own stuff.
This story is my first read-response for you, and I gave it a clap and clicked your 'follow' button to let you know that I’ll be looking forward to receiving more of your stories in my in-box.
This is a good article with some sound and sensible advice. I also checked out your 'About' section, and the 'dad jokes' bit stood out for me because only last month on my birthday, I received a parcel from my daughter & family in England (I live in Australia), and the parcel contained a book titled: 'Dad Jokes - the Punny Edition' '! (joke in title!!) by Kit & Andrew Chilvers.
I hope that we can both share our writings with friends & colleagues. It's nice to share things.
May your day be just right for you … all the best to you and yours,