Hello Hazel … this is Fred.
I chose this story of yours as one of my NOVEMBER’s ‘READ-for-READ’** exercises.
(** ‘READ for READ’ is a concept designed to promote more than just a ‘clap-for-clap’).
Your article here made me want to introduce you to the R-f-R idea - that is an addition to the general and sound advice that you give in your article - especially for new writers.
I decided to respond to your recent clapping of some of MY writing in this R-f-R format, and also, to let you know that I decided to ‘follow’ you.
If you have time to read MY stories, maybe you’ll reciprocate the 'follow' and also send me a R-f-R response of your own, but, of course, only if you find my stories interesting.
Best wishes,
PS: My ‘All You Need to Know About Fred’ article (pinned a-top my home page), has a quick index to all my stories. Hope you like it.