Hello Isa … this is Fred … first time call.
Thank you for recently choosing to follow me! I have clicked your follow button too.
This article on 'Vocal' is fascinating. I note that you published it via 'Writers' Blokke' - one that I also use from time-to-time, but here's my question about posting on vocal:
'Were the stories you posted to Vocal already published by another group, like WB, or ILLUMINATION etc. or were they self-published in the first instance - by you?'
I’d love to know.
Also, when you copy and paste, do you remove any Medium links or references?
I wish you well with your future writing.
May your day be just right for you … all the best to you and yours,
PS: In case you haven’t seen it already: My new ‘All About Fred’ - a pathway to everything ‘Fred’ is now pinned to the top of my home page. Hope you like it: