Hello Jackson ... is Fred … first time call.
Thank you for recently choosing to follow me! I have clicked your follow button too.
I’ll be looking forward to seeing your stories on Medium.
I noticed that this story (about Ev Williams) holds a lot of very interesting info. can you 'break it up a little', into short paragraphs of 4 lines or so? If you edit it this way it'll read more smoothly - and more importantly (for you) more people will bother to read it because it looks and feels like a comfortable read.
I wish you well with your own writing.
May your day be just right for you … all the best to you and yours,
PS: Did you know that you can click on a link to get my stories by email every time there’s a new one?
It's at the end of all my stories, and also here, below:
You can use this Link: