Hello John … this is Fred … first time call.
Thank you for recently choosing to follow me. I have clicked your follow button too.
This story is my first read of ‘yours’, and I gave it a clap to let you know that I’ll be looking forward to seeing more of your stories on Medium. I too write a lot for ILLUMINATION, though I do dip into other publications from time-to-time. Also, I am a retired academic.
I admire your honesty - especially your openness about your Australian Pension-Dancing.
I too am Australia (though born, raised. and educated in England). Although I am much older that you, I have done away with pension-dancing, by simply getting on with life and living. John, if you can earn, just do it. Don't let the restrictions and stupidity of the Australian pension system rule your creativity. It won't be easy to make the change, but hey ... I do believe it'll be worthwhile.
PS (on this): Just ignore me if you think I'm interfering. Do whatever you want to do!
I wish you well with your own writing.
May your day be just right for you … all the best to you, yours, and your grandkids!
PS: Did you know that you can click on a link to get my stories by email every time there’s a new one?
It's at the end of all my stories, and also here, below:
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