Hello Luta … this is Fred … first time call.
Thank you for choosing to follow me. I really appreciate that.
I checked out your Medium home page; spotted this article because i love to watch Lionel Messi, though in checking your home page further, I noticed an article on PORN. I'm not into porn and the like, but that aspect apart, I'm happy to become one of your followers.
Have you yet seen ‘All you need to know about Fred’ or my Story Index- (pinned a-top my home page)? You’ll find everything you need to know about me and my stories there.
Nice to meet you on Medium Luta. I look forward to reading more of your (non-porn) stories there.
To get my new stories sent to your in-box just click on my 'subscribe' button.
Wishing you well on your continuing writing journey.
PS: I’m assuming that you are a member of Medium ... If not, please use my invitation link – you’ll find it at the end of all my stories, and in ‘All you need to know about Fred’ – or you can simply copy and paste this URL into your browser: https://fred-almost-famous.medium.com/membership