Hello Merve ... this is Fred ... first time call.
Nice to 'meet' you, and by-the-way, Thanks for choosing to follow me. I have reciprocated.
I noticed that your 'About' button doesn't lead to a description of 'who you are etc', though the photo looks very nice. Who's that you're with?
Your '21 Steps' article is superb.
I'm happy to say that I don't have a social media problem ... deciding some time ago not to 'join', though I am currently thinking about Twitter in the context of posting tweets of my medium articles there. What do you think?
I personally relate positively to several of your 21 Steps, though my wife knows (and tells me!) that my office is a clutter!
It's not of course ... all the many many items on display there are treasures to me that add to my joy and happiness. What more can I say? Well, that's my excuse.
All the best with your own writing Merve,