Hello Mukwai … this is Fred … writing to thank you for reading some of my Medium stuff, and for clapping it.
I checked out this story of yours ... very well presented, and very thought-provoking.
Gandhi once said:
"I believe in the fundamental Truth of all great religions of the world. And I believe that if only we could, all of us, read the scriptures of the different Faiths from the stand-point of the followers of those faiths, we should find that they were at the bottom, all one and were all helpful to one another".
"Belief in one God is the cornerstone of all religions. But I do not foresee a time when there would be only one religion on earth in practice. In theory, since there is one God, there can be only one religion".
"The one religion is beyond all speech. Imperfect men put it into such language as they can command, and their words are interpreted by other men equally imperfect. Hence the necessity for tolerance, which does not mean indifference towards one's own Faith, but a more intelligent and pure love for it."
Interesting don't you think?
I’ve decided to follow you so that I can check out your stories. If you haven't already clicked the ‘follow’ tab to my stories, I'd love you to do so.
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All the best to you and yours,
PS: If you are not-yet a member of Medium, please use my Referral link (found at the end of all my stories, and in my All you need to know about Fred article).
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