Hello Nima … this is Fred … writing to thank you for choosing to follow me. I really appreciate that.
I checked out your Medium home page; found this article; liked your style, and, I have decided to 'follow' YOU.
Your statement: 'the best and best journalists are the people who don’t compose for cash yet rather for the love of the art' is surely what matters most, and why most people write on Medium.
I hope that I'm right because 'chasing the money' via this route is a waste of time. Do you really believe that some authors make over $25,000 a month?
My advice to writers who want to earn big:
Go elsewhere for that ... and post on Medium because you simply have 'something to say'.
Have you yet seen All you need to know about Fred (pinned near the top of my home page)? You'll find everything you need to know about me and my Story Collections there.
Nice to meet you on Medium Nima. I look forward to reading more of your stories there and hope that the lack of cash-earnings on this platform won't stop you from speaking out..
To get my new stories sent to your in-box just click on my 'subscribe' button.
Wishing you well on your continuing writing journey.
Special Note for NON-MEMBERS: If you are not-yet a member of Medium, check out the top-pinned article on my home page, titled: Free for Non-Medium Members …