Hello Nora … this is Fred
I chose this story of yours as one of my OCTOBER’s ‘READ--for-READs’**.
After reading it I decided to ‘follow’ you.
By-the-way, halloween rides across both springtime and fall in much the same way. I've noticed a lot of ready-made costumes this year (in Oz) and I imagine its much the same in Brooklyn.
If you have time to read My stories, maybe you’ll give a reciprocal follow, but only if you find them interesting of course.
Thank you for any read-back comments on mine if you decide they are worthy.
Best wishes,
** ‘READ for READ’ is a concept designed to promote more than just a ‘clap-for-clap’.
PS: My ‘All You Need to Know About Fred’ article (pinned a-top my home page), has a quick index to all my stories. Hope you like it.