Hello Rue … this is Fred ... first time call.
I saw this article of yours in a recent Medium Weekly Digest sent to my inbox.
I enjoyed the read.
One aspect - the images in churches aspect - reminded me of one of my own stories titled: 'Will I go to hell if I trash this statue?'
It's actually a true story, though I wrote it with anonymous names so as to 'protect the innocent'.
You'll find it in my 'Lists' in the 'Religion' collection, or you can copy this URL and go straight to it:
Rue, I have decided to follow you so that I might see more of your stories on Medium.
If you have the time, maybe you might follow me, but of course, only if you find my stories of interest to you.
I wish you well with your future writing.
Nice to meet you.
All the best to you and yours,