Hello to you Michael, and thanks for this lovely write.
This is Fred ... first time call.
I also wanted to say thank you for clapping one of my comments to another Medium writer (Yogi Embrace) recently. I've decided to follow you so that I might catch up on your stories too.
If you haven't already clicked the 'follow' tab to my stories, I'd love you to do so.
A couple of my own stories touch on the theme of 'communicating positively' with others, and one: 'Pessimism to Optimism via Australia'
https://medium.com/illumination/pessimism-to-optimism-via-australia-how-to-change-your-attitude-to-life-34354bd4e2b2?source=friends_link&sk=76ff193677ea283d57e498dfc72e46e7 might be worth a read if you have the time.
I hope that we can both continue to write about things that interest; inspire; and bring a touch of happiness into the lives of others.
May your day be just right for you, and I hope that you continue to write inspirational stories.
All the best to you and yours,