Member-only story
How To Expose Yourself!
Most Medium Authors Are Not Fully-Exposed
When you open a Medium author’s Home-Page, you see (at top-of-page), the author’s profile-photo, name, & a photo/avatar, and a short mini-profile.
The author’s name (or nom-de-plume) is also shown, above three words … ‘Home’, ‘Lists’, and ‘About’.
For instance, here’s what the top of my Home-Page looks like:
On the left-hand-side, you see my name (enlarged) … Fred: Almost Famous
and below the name, the three link-words: Home, Lists, and About.
The three link words connect you to three separate sites. Notice that the first link (‘Home’) is underlined … that’s because that link was ALREADY opened when I took the screen-shot.
(Of course, the above picture only shows the top section of my Home-Page. If you were viewing it ‘live’ you’d see the whole page).