Hello Latonya … this is Fred … writing to thank you for choosing to follow me. I really appreciate that.
I checked out your Medium home page; found this article re New Year Resolutions; liked your style and decided to ‘follow’ YOU.
By near-coincidence, I have also written a NYR article - it's a bit philosophical (unlike yours which is superbly analyzed). You can find mine in my Philosophy & Religion Collection (see INDEX info below), and, if you like it and would like me to add yours as a link at the end (there's one there already), I would be more than happy to do that. just let me know.
My ‘All you need to know about Fred’ and my Story Index are pinned near the top of my home page. You’ll find everything you need to know about me and my stories there - including the NYR article..
Nice to meet you on Medium Latonya. I look forward to reading more of your stories there.
Wishing you well on your continuing writing journey.
PS: I’m assuming that you are a member of Medium … If not, please use my Referral link (found at the end of all my stories, and in my All you need to know about Fred article.