I checked out the many other responses that you got for this article ... so many 'wows'; ' agrees'; 'great article' etc, and one that I too go along with:
'I could not agree with you more Tim'.
A fine article once again Tim - and so brave & honest. However, one of your responders caught my attention with this comment:
"I see what you said and respect it, but most fun stories and good times is partying when you are young! ... I need to live the moment and embrace hangover because ... there will be tons of time when I'm older (I'm 28) to settle down, don't drink, and have a chill morning reading the newspapers"
(Said by Pablo Zaror).
From your early remarks in your article, I suspect that you can personally relate to this 'thinking' by a 'young' person, but for me and you, it looks like the wisdom of the older person wins out.
Trouble is, the older 'wise' person was young once.
I know you'll agree with that sentiment too!!
Your friend,