I first saw this article in an ILLUMINATION ‘Curated-Collection’ that also contained one of my own articles. I just wanted to say “I enjoyed the read”.
I too write on COVID issues for Medium (my COVID Bulletins so far, have reached No.9.) so I was particularly interested on what you had to say.
Well done.
Hello ... I'm Fred ... and I am now following you. I look forward to many other enjoyable reads.
If you have the time, maybe you might follow me, but of course, only if you find my stories of interest to you. My own story in that same collection is: ‘Elizabeth II’s Birthday’s … How many?, and my COVID Bulletin No.9 (with links to other bulletins) is:
'From Rats (1347) ... to R.A.T.s (2022)'
May your day be just right for you, and I hope that you continue to write inspirational stories.
All the best to you and yours,