I've just come across your writings on Medium. You write well.
Noticing the connection with "Belover" I wondered whether you and that publication would be interested in taking on some of my own 'religious' articles.
I mainly post through ILLUMINATION and WRITERS BLOKKE, and I am accepted as a writer in several other publications. However, here's my problem:
After writing three articles and submitting them to 'Backyard Church' along with supporting emails, I seem to have gotten nowhere. No response ... and the three articles have been self-published and are on my Medium Profile Page.
They are titled:
'Having Fun with Jesus and the Bible'
'When Jesus came To Manchester'
'Your Life Can Be Changed ... But!'
All are listed with links, in my INDEX which is the top article on my Medium Page.
If you have time, I'd love to hear your take on these - and whether you'd like to have them on your own 'Belover' publication.
Regards and best wishes,