This is a fantastic article Mirac.
At first, I thought that you were going to go along the route of an atheist, dismissing Christmas altogether, but when I read it I found it to be full of beautiful ideas and an ending that actually accentuated the real reason for Christmas celebrations. very well done.
Hello … this is Fred … also writing to say thank you for reading some of my Medium stuff; for liking it: and for deciding to follow me. Thank you for ‘the follow’.
After clicking on your photo-avatar and checking out your Home Page, I found this and so many other well-written pieces.
I like your style and I have decided to follow YOU.
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I’m happy to have you as one of my Medium friends, and I wish you all the best with your own writing journey.
PS: If you haven’t yet checked out my story collections, you’ll find them in an article titled: “NEW INDEX to Fred’s Story Boxes” pinned near-top of my Home Page ... Happy reading