What a deep and well-written article Maria.
hello ... this is Fred with my promised READ-for READ **.
Thank you for this in-depth coverage of such a delicate (and so powerful) a topic.
I've read some of the other comments you've received on this article, and I'm particularly drawn to that by Patricia Hamlett when she said:
“Hi Maria, This was wonderful advice! I need to make "Forgiveness my Superpower." The Bible has so much advice on the importance of forgiveness. Thanks, I needed to read this today! 💕”.
Maria, I guess that's my sentiment too ... Look out for superhero Fred ... or maybe not hey?
(got to be honest!).
It’s nice to be reading you again Maria. I should do so more often.
Best wishes to you and yours,
👍😊❤ … Very happy to be following you still
** ‘READ for READ’ is a concept designed to promote more than just a simple ‘clap’.
If it helps, you'll find a “NEW INDEX to Fred’s Story Boxes” (pinned near top of my Home Page) contains all my story collections plus an explanation of READ-for-READ.